Prime Minister Modi Inspecting Guard of Honour

Prime Minister Modi Inspecting Guard of Honour

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reservation for Ex-Servicemen

Reservation for Ex-Servicemen
There is no provision for earmarking of posts exclusively for ex- servicemen therefore the data on the actual number of reserved posts and unfilled vacancies earmarked for the Ex-servicemen are not maintained. However, percentagewise reservations ranging from 10 to 24.5% of the total available vacancies in Group C & D posts in Government jobs and Public Sector Undertakings have been provided for the willing and eligible Ex- servicemen.
It is the responsibility of concerned organization to fill the vacant posts. However the government endeavours to explore every possible avenue for increasing employment opportunities for the Ex-servicemen through various initiatives including trainings and awareness programmes. Moreover, the State Governments have also been advised to fill up the vacancies reserved for Ex-servicemen expeditiously. Since the Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare has no mandate to monitor the job reservations for Ex-servicemen, the matter has been taken up with Cabinet Secretariat in consultation with Department of Personnel & Training to empower Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare to monitor the same through appropriate changes in relevant rules.
This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Shri MM Pallam Raju in a written reply to Shri Ananth Kumar and Shri Devji M. Patel in Lok Sabha today.


Ex-Sgt SN Banerjee said...

Respected Sir,
please accept deep regards from my family and me. I am Ex-Sgt Sati Nath Banerjee discharged from IAF on 01 Oct 2003. Presently serving as an Asst Teacher in a Primary School since 06 May 2010. And with me lot of Ex-servicemen are engaged with the same service. Now, there has been an uncertainity and ambiguity raised because as per the latest guideline NCTE under Ministry of HRD has set up the eligibility criterians for a teacher of Primary School have to be Higher Secondery passed with 50% of marks, and two years Diploma in Education, and the same have been reflected in the Right To Education Bill. The later one i.e. one year basic course, I have already underdone and received Certificate from West Bengal Board of Primary Education. The problem is with the criteria of H.S.

Sir, as you know that as per Min of Home, Govt of India, Cabinet Sectt, Deptt. letter No.6/1/72 Estt(D) dated 18 Nov 72, Service personnel passed "IAF Education Test for Promotion to the rank of Corporal" is equivalent to Higher Secondery and has to be treated as Higher Secondery for any service in civil (as an ex-serviceman) where requisite qualification is Higher Secondery. Sir, I had passed the said promotion examination in Scheme 'A'. And in the same way "Equation of service qualification of "Sergeant Prom Exam" with Civil Educational Qualification of Graduate, Authority : Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel & Pension. However, these qualifications will not facilitate for aquiring further educational qualification.

In this context the you are kindly requested to persue with both the departments of different Ministries, where the exemption and necessary consideration for the Ex-servicemen is required to established. Sir, thousands of ex-servicemen are engaged in teaching and being affected. Kindly the case may be persued at your discretion and a suitable letter of authority may be circulated to all concerned with a copy to this poor ex-airman

lalit patil said...

Thank you sir for nice information, i was searching authority for IAF Cpl education test equivalent to Higher secondary which you mentioned here. Thank you once again.

OP Ojha said...

Sir I have applied for the registration with OCI (Optometry Council Of India under less than 2years diploma in Optometry on 12Jan2016.where academic qualifications asked 10+2 Or Intermediate. I have Submitted Graduation Certificate from the IAF.Same has been rejected by OCI.Now I'm doing ecorressondence with Director Of education Air Headquarters. I am awaiting their response.Manyboarad of education recognized the Corporal Education examination As 10+2orIntermediate.Shall OCI accept the Certificate For Registration.



Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister by Hon'ble M.P.


Ex-Servicemen return Medals